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Re: one prep for both amc and fcps part1

You are more than welcome and wish you luck for your part 1.

dr beena

Re: Re: one prep for both amc and fcps part1

first of all i want to thank you all and esp greatful to dr ferhan fr giving me such detaild and elaborate reply and helping me out. this interactive site seems really like a blessing for ppl like me nyways i hav made up my mind for part 1 i am going to appear in the one that is sceduled fr 7 th oct.


Re: one prep for both amc and fcps part1

Dr.Beena! let me congratulate for your marriage first. you should prepare for what matters to your carrier.


Re: one prep for both amc and fcps part1

@dr beena.
many congrat fr ur up coming marriage...
decision is v simple here. ........u shdnt go fr a combine prep.coz subjects tested are not same.........hw can u make a joint prep??........on one hand physio, anatomy, tested...while on other hand gyne,med,paeds,surg, tested.......CAN WE GIVE FIRST AND FINAL PROF WITH ONE PREP ??
i totaly endorse farhan.......he already has guided u well.
gud luk


Re: one prep for both amc and fcps part1

its somewhat difficult to decode your question but anyways to me.....
Its not possible to appear in both with same preperation.
Part 1 requires preperation in basic sciences like anatomy , physiology, etc. with fleeting touch of some clinical subject. whereas AMC is all about clinical, as a matter of fact it involves all the final year subjects...
After having cleared part 1 and joining as TMO, you may theoretically think of preparing for AMC but then it will be difficult for you to squeeze out time to go through subjects while coping with hectic training schedule or you may appear in AMC 1 first and then go for Part 1 but then ,one, you will be late in joining your training, second, still you will not have completed your AMC, rather just part 1 of AMC and with proviso that you clear it in first attempt- If you don't, you'll be back to square one. Mind you! there is more than one year gap before you get date for AMC 2 .It can happen in case of part 1 FCPS as well, that is if you dont get through in first attempt but then stakes are low and less money is involved and if you do it which is more likely , at least you will have started your training.
I hope that you will be in better position to analyze your situation.

[Edited by drfarhan on 16-06-2009 at 04:39 AM GMT]

[Edited by drfarhan on 16-06-2009 at 04:42 AM GMT]

[Edited by drfarhan on 16-06-2009 at 04:46 AM GMT]

[Edited by drfarhan on 18-06-2009 at 05:57 AM GMT]