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Re: Re: about extrapyramidal side effect

But Cogentin (Benztropine) is NOT as safe as the other agents. Because of having a cumulative effect, it also needs continued supervision.


I seek refuge of Allah from the accursed one (Satan)……..

So far as the myth, wretchedness and absurdness of your posts and the vivid atrocity of yours are concerned, I do once again vehemently disagree with you!

The link (, One of the References, was just to show only to the silly and illiterate people like you otherwise any knowledgeable one can open the latest relevant books/journals and the other related literature to see the references which SURELY do REJECT and REFUTE your mediaeval approach. In addition, the bibliography in the end of the article provides sufficient help regarding their sources (studies etc).

Verily, you have done your best to leave no stone unturned to defend your whimsical thoughts, assumptions, obsessions, heteroclites, serving your folly and telling a lie one hundred times to conceal just one lie of yours but in vain. One must shudder to look at such stupidities and the blunders done on your part, in the twenty first century, Alas!

In addition, besides your whimsical thinking, you have provided an enough valuable data for a psychotherapist to analyze for the subsequent management. I think, after thought insertion and thought broadcasting only the third diagnostic stage is pending. By the way, why there are several contradictions between your own statements superadded by the flight of ideas and the grandiose delusions etc? See it yourself, if you are acquainted with these important parameters.

Remember, even if you have grey hair (everywhere); archus senilis in your eyes, your experience is no more than a big ZERO if not upto the mark and fulfilling all the prerequisite requirements. And also remember absolutely NO technical one would pay any heed and no one is going to be enchanted and dazzled with such a cunningness and hierarchy of yours which are hereby certainly evident and revealed to everyone.

Furthermore there is no harm if such people (elderly) are vigilant on their PSA preceded by the full clinical examination and more accordingly.

Having said like 2+2=5 and considering it nonesuch why don’t you dare to prove it…….?

Hence, summarizing, I do once again disagree vehemently with you and do put your whimsical and aberrant thinking, baseless assertion and the supposed exhibition deep into the abyss.

Remember, if you have NO evidence at all then do not be dogmatist and stop quoting your abhorrent and the trashy novel which proves to be no more than a useful tool for sarcasm.

Remember again, it is twenty first century. NO conjecture and NO illicit and inane thinking are admitted at all. So try to develop the proper connoisseurship, if you can.

Also remember, don’t try to beat about the bush and try to tell a lie one hundred times to conceal just one lie of yours.

Posted by: chameed on 19-12-2007
……………………..any clinical knowledge or experience in medicine …………………..

Produce the EVIDENCE which favours your baseless assertion, otherwise it is all RUBBISH what you are trying to proclaim. Till then, I vehemently disagree with you and your supposed exhibitive attitude.

Do not PROCLAIM your stupidities and the corrupted knowledge if you have NONE of the evidence. And don’t try to beat about the bush and try to tell a lie one hundred times to hide just one lie of yours.

Your baseless assertion, supposed exhibition as well as you are hereby put into the huge waste bin.

NO conjecture and NO illicit and inane thinking are admitted at all. So try to develop the proper connoisseurship, if you can.

If you have NO evidence at all then do not be dogmatist and stop quoting your abhorrent and the trashy novel which proves to be no more than a useful tool for sarcasm.

[Edited by HussainA on 21-12-2007 at 10:16 AM GMT]


Re: about extrapyramidal side effect

Acute extrapyrimidal side effects resulting from antipsychotic drugs are best treated with Cogentin (Benztropine). Benadryl 25 to 50 mg I/V can also be very useful. Make sure the patient does not have any known contraindications to these 2 medications.


Re: Re: Re: about extrapyramidal side effect

If it is really the extra-pyramidal reaction then the treatment is same i.e. injection Phenergon (Promethazine) I/M 25-50mg TDS in the ACUTE stage only. No doubt oral Kemadrin (Procyclidine) is slow acting and is not recommended in the acute case. It is usually given after the acute state is over or as a combination (prophylacically) with other drugs which have the potential of causing extra-pyramidal reactions. The dose of Kemadrin is 2.5 to 5mg TDS.

On the other hand there might the MISDIAGNOSIS which needs special consideration involving the concerned disciplines. I mean to say, the reason behind giving injection gravinate (for vomiting or vertigo etc) needs proper evaluation.


Re: Re: about extrapyramidal side effect

thanks for ur answer but i have seen patients with effect after iv gravinate injection next day young patient came back and he said let me translate in patients language he said dr sahab my neck is turning and my face is turning to other side it looks like a person developing a stroke and was having severe pain in his neck i am not talking about urinary retention an other symptoms i gave hm iv diazepam finally i heard about kamadrin but do nt u think it will work slow an hw much sould it be given mean kamadrin how many tab for average 70 kg male


Re: about extrapyramidal side effect

Powerful extra-pyramidal reaction is seen after the administration of anti-psychotic drugs and the psychiatrists use injection Phenergon (Promethazine) I/M followed by Tablets Kemadrin (Procyclidine) depending upon severity of the reaction.