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Topic Review - Newest First (only newest 5 are displayed)


Re: request to surgeons and teachers

please visit the following link.

you will find quite a few articles related to your research.


Re: request to surgeons and teachers

Visit CPSP Dissertation area of PakMediNet and read the synopsis writing guidelines thoroughly. You can even view different synopsis posted in the "Research Proposal Submission area" (in the memberservices).

Visit this link for references:

You can even get references by typing "FNAC AND thyroid" in the search area on the front page.

[Edited by yasir on 03-10-2006 at 05:11 AM GMT]


request to surgeons and teachers

assalam o alikum
role of FNAC in solitry thyroid nodule and its surgical management
this is my topic for Master of surgery i need help in writting synopsis and latest work being done please help me and send me latest refrences
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