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Re: Re: physiotherapy and rehabilitation awareness in pakistan

You can read an overview of physiatry ( Rehabilitation Medicine) here

A report on disability and rehabilitation medicine in Pakistan: past, present, and future directions


Re: physiotherapy and rehabilitation awareness in pakistan

Hi Adnan
What you know about physiatry in Pakistan



Re: physiotherapy and rehabilitation awareness in pakistan

You can find information on about Physiotherapy in Pakistan</a> on this site.


Re: physiotherapy and rehabilitation awareness in pakistan

Physiotherapy must be done for disc herniation patients before going 4 surgery even non of physician or surgeon has advised because physiotherapy is not a paramedical.It is an independent profession.If all the Neurosurgeons & orthopedic surgeons has advised surgery & forbaded 4 physiotherapy even then a patient should go 4 physiotherapy.A physiotherapist must also try 4 lumbar traction because it is an effective strategy.Allah has put shifa in it 4 these patients.thanks,Muhammad Rafiq Jami,Talha Physiotherapy Clinic,Ferozepur road,Lahore.00-92-322-4333045,00-92-42-35805870


Re: physiotherapy and rehabilitation awareness in pakistan

hi dears,

i am taking the oppertunity of your message to tell some thing about physiotherapy. physiotherapy is an independent treatment specialty which have the physical means of treating the patients suffering from different diseases.physiotherapy has 24 subspecialities(according to american physiotherapy association).some main areas of their role are in neurology,G medicine,chest medicine,cardiology,oncology,orthopaedic medicine,dermatology,geriatric medicine,gynaecology,orthopaedic surgery,,thorasic surgery,cardiac surgery,neuro surgery,etc
the message which i want to convey to my readers is that ;physiotherapist have their own means to deal with the disease which make them independent professionals and their role in the treatment makes an importent part in the total healt care doeas not mean that they work under the supervision of any other person rather they have to made the diagnosis,evaluation and the treatment programme for the patients.there is no need to be reffered from any other to take physiotherapy all around the world.

in pakistan there is not too much awareness among the peoples and even to the health care professionals about the physiotherapy.unfortunately there is no regulatory authority like other developed countries and graduates from the recognised universities are eligible to practice in the field.the good news is that now the graduation is being changing into the DPT(doctor of physiotherapy)as been in the usa and other also available now in pakistan.

any further queries will be welcomed about the subject.