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Topic Review - Newest First (only newest 5 are displayed)


Re: Dear Dr. Osama

well everyone is entitled to have their own opinions,i personally feel that the sidebar does not looks ugly it serves a purpose of letting the visitors know which are the most discussed topics and does not actually eats up space on the page,but if the administerator decides to finish it off,then it his decision,my vote goes for it and i find it useful,it needs to be updated correctly of course,but i would want it to stay.


Re: Dear Dr. Osama

Actually, I made it to highlight latest topics on the discussion forum for the first click. However, if you think it is not good looking, then i'll shift it to another version within 2-3 days.

Thanks for your suggestion.


Dear Dr. Osama

Please remove this Top Discussion side-bar from the screen. Its ugly, distorts the image and serves no useful purpose.