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Re: Mann Whitney Test

Dear Dr Khurshid,

Thanks for the information.




Re: Mann Whitney Test

Following is from Pocket Dictionary of Statistics by Hardeo Sahai and Anwer Khurshid (2002), McGraw-Hill, New York:

Mann-Whitney performs a hypothesis test of the equality of two location population parameters (means or medians). It is based on the analysis of two independent samples and calculates the corresponding point estimate and confidence interval. The procedure is used for comparing two independent samples of scores that cannot be compared by means of a two-sample t-test either because the scores are ordinal in nature or the normality or homogeneity of variances assumptions cannot be satisfied. The Mann-Whitney test statistic is equivalent to the Wilcoxon test statistic.
For computation you may visist at the following

I hope it will be of some help.
Anwer Khurshid

[Edited by anwer_khur on 06-03-2006 at 11:13 AM GMT]


Mann Whitney Test

Can someone please elaborate on Mann Whitney test, its common applications and significance? Thank you.
