PakMediNet Discussion Forum : Surgery : surgical complications of intestinal amoebiasis
Dear fellows!
i found tihs forum a very nice &helpful site to share ideas and discuss academic topics on the net.I cordially appreciate the organiser.
I work in a hospital in kharian (pakistan) as internee in surgery.i am going to present a case report and presentation on "surgical complications of intestinal amoebiasis".
kindly if anyone of you help me in this regard.Any website add, related books,personal experiences or any thing.i'll be greatful.
Posted by: dr_shahPosts: 4 :: 01-03-2004 :: | Reply to this Message
If you need references regarding intestinal amebiasis then you can search PubMed, IndMed or PakMediNet. Also check information regarding this in your surgical text books. You need minimun of 4-6 references to complete a case report.
Posted by: docosamaPosts: 333 :: 02-03-2004 :: | Reply to this Message
i must thank you dr. osama 4 ur kind help.ur advice really helped me a lot.
it was a case of 45 yr old man known diabetic, presented with 5 days history of sudden onset severe abdominal pain, which was central in origin later became generalised to whole abdomen,aggravated on deep breathing and movements , relieved on lying flat.with associated h/o nausea vomitting and fever.he was toxic, lying still in bed, dehydrated and pale. B.P was 100/70, pulse 106/min regular,febrile.his abdomen was tense ,with board like rigidity all over.bowel sounds absent and rectal exam.revealed empty rectum with mucus over finger stall.
Diagnosis of 'acute gen. peritonitis 'was made and exploratory laparotomy revealed caecal perforatin and gangrene. peritoneum filled with purulent exudate and distended ileum.
accordigly rt hemicolectomy done wit end ileostomy.peritoneal lavage done.
patient made smooth and un eventfull recovery,started taking orally on 5th post op. day
histopathology report revealed acute on chronic inflamation of large gut with evidence of E.histolytica he was given metronidazole with chloroquine for 7-10 days.restoration of GIT is planned after 4 months.
so this was the whole case, if u can advise me further in this context i will be pleased and greatful.
Posted by: dr_shahPosts: 4 :: 18-03-2004 :: | Reply to this Message