PakMediNet Discussion Forum : Surgery : Acute AP mimcking RIF mass-benign or malignant?Mangement
A young boy of 20 years ,male admitted as acute appendictis, on exploration appendix found normal; positive finding there was thickened appendices epiplocae(eiplocae appendigitis as they call it) below it was thickening of the wall ;and its removal lead to hole.impression was perhaps there was ?sealed perforation or Neoplastic process as per opertaing surgeon;as caecal wall was thickened and unhealthy ;there were lympoh nodes in mesentry; Next step or opertive options would be;!. take biopsy of the wall close perforation and doappendectomy or 2) do limited ileocecal resection and wait for the result or 3) do right hemicolectomy from the beginning inspite patient being young boy of 20 years previously helathy and no consent for such procedure ---please give your opinion what you will do in this situation with references; than i will tell you what our surgeon did and we are waiting for histopathology;DR Fiaz Maqbool Fazili Senior Surgeon KFH medinah munwawrah and President world association of laparoscopy surgeons(KSA)
Posted by: fiazfaziliPosts: 16 :: 02-06-2005 :: | Reply to this Message
Are there any facilities available for Frozen section histopathology, which can be done while the patient on operating table? If the result comes to be positive for malignant cells, then relatives should be discussed there and then about the consent.
What was your differential in this case? Which neoplastic disorder you considered at this age group?
Posted by: yasirPosts: 90 :: 06-06-2005 :: | Reply to this Message
frozen section is not available; what would be your options; Dr Fiaz fazili requests all surgeons(Professorts ass profs; senior surgeons expert opinion on this topic; thnkas
[Edited by fiazfazili on 06-06-2005 at 02:04 PM GMT]
Posted by: fiazfaziliPosts: 16 :: 06-06-2005 :: | Reply to this Message